Sunday, February 21, 2016

Are America's Police Officers the Enemy?

I remember thinking how sad it was that shortly after he was elected, the president of the United States of America (Obama) got involved in local government on a city level and decided purposefully or not (advisedly or not) to state his personal view about how a local police officer in Massachusetts handled a burglary in progress. The fact that this man was known to him made it even more biased and inappropriate but when he called the officer's actions stupid in his quote:

"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that [Gates case]. But I think it's fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two, that the Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home; and, number three, what I think we know separate and apart from this incident is that there's a long history in this country of African-Americans and Latinos being stopped by law enforcement disproportionately. That's just a fact." 

How about determining who is committing the crimes, where are the police being deployed (where are the cops being told to stand or patrol) and lastly, where are the radio runs sending them? 

Routine Patrol Marc Cosentino 
I lost respect for him. His statement was blatantly setting the stage for what now has become painfully obvious. He will comment and send representatives to support known criminals when they attack police if it is a white officer shooting involved death but ignore the dozens of his police officers killed under his watch, and when I say killed I mean executed in cold blood by assassins who ambushed the officers of all races while they sat in their cars, or pumped gas or were lured to make a car stop. These officers were protecting the streets of his country and now their wives, husband, and kids will never see them gain. Does this matter Mr. President? How dare my president create and foment racial inequality and hatred when so many have fought heroically and continue to fight heroically to correct the insanity of racism. To continue to point out one side and to support one side is the very thing the Black Lives Matter movement is supposed to be fighting. Isn't he the president of all Americans? How can we ever end this if race baiters are not only allowed to lead a nation into civil unrest but encouraged to do so? This is the height of irresponsibility. How does a future generation that is being taught to hate ever end this vicious cycle? The media and profit seeking leaders do not care how many lives are lost, how many families are destroyed or how many businesses burn. This president was elected by the very white people he has made an enemy of. The enemy is NEVER a group of people but the sick and inept leaders that the group chooses to follow or permits to lead them. All people must be included and treated equally under the law if this country is to survive and prosper. All people need to take responsibility for their actions. All people need to contribute to society and be a part of it. All people need to be held accountable for their actions and the promoters of hate need to be identified and removed like the true cancer they are by ignoring them instead of giving them the stage. Reverse racism is still racism and the sick individuals that hate or become puppets of the haters need to be stopped. There is our country and when you see the hate being spread you have a duty as an American to stop it. How? By saying something, by exposing the truth or by shutting the door on the haters. Why? Because sooner or later it will affect you and your family and you will be caught up in it because the hate is so easily spread by an irresponsible media leading to the destruction of entire neighborhoods. Having witnessed first hand the horror of what uncontrolled mob violence is capable of I sincerely urge all of us (myself included) to take a better look at our own actions and those of the people we follow because the life you save and the family you help avoid tragedy may be your own.  Marc Cosentino 

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