Friday, January 22, 2016

Where has America Gone? Why are so many things wrong?

Since when did we become a nation of crybabies? What moron brought up this politically correct syndrome and since when did it become cool to like and support greedy degenerates that will do anything for attention or a buck? Why is OK to hate and attack the police and why is it OK to allow animals free reign in a peaceful society. Psychiatric permissiveness has gone too far and the spoiled brat that the teacher is not allowed to discipline (because we have become a nation of cowards) has every “right” to act up and interfere with your child’s education yet the decent child has no right to get an education. Your president can go after gun owner as a group for the actions of a few but won’t dare do the same with extremists killing his own people. A man who becomes a woman is a hero and the men and women that protect our nation and our streets are vilified and intimidated openly as sport in the media circus. Law makers can operate much like weathermen with no slight consequence for their actions and even vote themselves a raise for abysmal performances. Bad as all this is it gets worse when high ranking government officials not only ignore the law but openly scoff at it and use the same laws they break to harm others. Does anybody notice the lack of discipline or the permissiveness of parents? How is ok to have junior disrupt an entire restaurant’s dinners because you allow your child to scream and run around the place as he pleases. [MC1] Basic self-respect and responsibility have been degraded and destroyed. Who made it a popular pastime for the press to humiliate and badger people they deem unpopular? This may come from the top down via our current “leaders” and our education system but somebody out there is allowing this. You and I are not standing up enough when we know something is wrong. We have politicians that literally feel they can murder citizens, attack nations, leave Americans to die under fire or rot in prison with no worry of being called out for it or implicated as criminals. Is there no one left to actually serve justice or has the entire nation been subverted and subjugated without so much as whimper of disapproval. What are our children learning in school? Do we have a nation of sheep? Will taking a pill because you can’t face your pathetic life become the national pastime? Is this a coincidence that we are being given corn (welfare) and games (Electronic media) to mollify us? The workers are forced to work harder and longer hours to support the non-workers and non-producers “demands”. These parasites would never exist in the natural order of life, be it animal or human. Injustice is rampant and burns at the core of every human being but here is the rub. What are the correct targets? How do we fix this mess? Why should you care? Because this is “our” life, our planet, our country, our society, our families and our existence. If you honestly feel all is ok with this current situation then by all means go back to your Prozac, beer and video games and forget I mentioned this but if you are like me and the millions of others who know something is very wrong then I suggest you act and act now before it is truly too late. It has always begun with one man, any great idea or movement and conversely the evil and destructive results are also implemented by single men allowed to persist with their own brand of insanity. What can you do? Raise your own responsibility to start. Clean your own areas, stop lying about little things or pretending the things you see on a daily basis are ok. Get educated as to what are the laws of the nation. What are the true statistics of the people in your environment-are they actually helping or hurting progress in your life or the lives of others? When that kid acts up-say something to him or his parent. When someone talks in broad generalities ask him for the facts. Stand up for the good people in your neighborhood that you see are helping others. Demand the reporters and media print the truth and don’t support people that create upset and make life appear miserable. Encourage that kid who shows interest in your work or occupation or hobby. Discourage the kid who is making it hard for others to study, play or work. Take an interest in your life and just look very hard at the people in your environment. Are they helping, hurting or just an obstacle to our lives? I say our OUR specifically because good and bad both spread with small actions from one to another. Like when that that woman driving a cab cuts you off to get ahead of you in traffic and you get annoyed or refuse to let the next guy trying to merge in and so on. How about the bus driver that passes you by and pretends he doesn’t see you when you are already late for work and then the boss goes after you? How about when your child wants to read to you and you’re too busy with a TV show. Life is a series of actions that lead up to your existence and changing your viewpoint to take a little more responsibility for yourself and others is a great way to do something to improve your life and the lives of others. It’s too easy to go with crowd. It’s too easy to allow others to harm others and adopt the old “none of my business” attitude. Sad to say that this is ALL your business and mine and his and hers and theirs. This is not a one man show and probably you already know that. Never let the opinions of others stop you from doing what you know is right. Never listen to the “it’s just business, I’m just one guy, nobody cares, they’re too big, nothing can be done about it” attitudes. If you fall for those lies all will remain the same at the minimum and truthfully it will probably get worse. If you decide to make a small difference it may be that little spark of human kindness or insisting on doing the right thing that encourages someone at the end of his rope to hold on one more day in the hope that things can get better. It may just be the difference between someone giving up or getting up again to achieve a goal. Your power is infinite and immense, never allow another being to say it is not so for he is truly your enemy trying to destroy you. You have the ability to change history and make this a better experience by caring and acting. Please consider this the next time you wonder why things are the way they are. Marc Cosentino, a friend.

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