Sunday, October 15, 2017

NFL smashes dreams and future of American kids due to Hidden Promoter

Sadly the NFL has gone too far in allowing the disrespect of our country while using our flag and military(and tax dollars) at every turn to gain patriotic American support. Imagine the  hipocracy and gall to think we don't see this? Hard working Americans that have raised their kids to worship these overgrown children playing a game have had enough. Why? Because underneath it all Americans know this great nation would not be here if not for the hundreds of thousands of men and women fought, bled and died for our freedom. Where else on earth are people literally risking their lives to come to? Did they forget who butters the bread and buys the tickets? Did  they forget who watches the ads and buys the beer, jerseys, and sports gear? More importantly, what about all the kids that play peewee, high school and college ball dreaming of an NFL career?  They have poisoned one of the greatest American past times and have probably opened the door to the end of the NFL. Perhaps a new league will step in before it all goes up in smoke or the real promoter of hate and lies will be looked at since there is always a third party hard at work for quarrels to exist.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Goodfellas Pizza School of New York

When training with any one but the best is not an option.

Books by Cops

There are many police officers that have been writing books related to the experiences they have had while protecting and serving. Here is one that I have really enjoyed because it is real and when it was made into a movie it portrayed officers as real people with real problems. The film( staring Stacey Keech and George C Scott is a tour de force.
Image result for the new centurions movie

 The book available on amazon ( The New Centurions by Joseph Wambaugh Still ranks at the top for me.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Bo Dietl Throws Hat in the Ring for NYC Mayor and Blasts DeBlasio

Marc Cosentino and Bo Dietl 
Retired detective Bo Dietl paid a visit to Routine Patrol author Marc Cosentino at the original Goodfellas' Brick Oven Pizza while visiting the "Forgotten Borough". A visit to the World Famous Goodfella's Pizza is a usual stop  for celebrities and the all the past Mayors of NYC for the last 3 decades who care about Staten Islanders and the concerns of Richmond County. Goodfella's customers are good representation of the hard working people of Staten Island who often feel that due to the distance and toll roads that separate them from the rest of NYC, they are not fairly represented and often left to fend for themselves in times of trouble. Bo Dietl made it clear that he was very interested in working class people, the transportation situation and the growing drug problems facing the people of Staten Island. He also made it clear that he was not a "carpetbagger from Boston that would say anything and promise anything to get elected".  All this while he  demonstrated the proper way for a true New Yorker to eat a pizza by folding it in half not with a Knife and fork such as Mayor DeBlasio did, creating an International scandal at Goodfella's shortly after he was elected. "It seems Bo just wants to play  fair and take politics out of actually running the Great City of New York, something along the line of President Trumps promise of Making America Great Again" said Marc Cosentino.
Mayoral Candidate Bo Dietl Demonstrating The Proper way to eat pizza at Goodfella's On Hylan Blvd. SINY.